He Did Not Seem Like An Upright Gentleman

Mu Xiaoxiao had initially been pondering over his words, but upon hearing the word breakfast, her stomach began to grumble, and her attention drifted.

I'm so hungry. Let's have breakfast first!

The breakfast at the hot spring villa had a good variety. It had different countries' food besides Chinese food.

After freshening up and changing her clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about finding Han Qiqing.

However, as she opened the door, she saw Han Qiqing sticking her head on the door before she fell forward, nearly crashing to the floor.

Luckily, Song Shijun had been holding her waist from behind.

"Qiqing, are you okay? Why did you place your head to my door? What are you two doing outside?" Mu Xiaoxiao felt puzzled and asked.

Han Qiqing said smilingly, "Oh, it's nothing! We're just looking for you so that we can have breakfast together. We thought you were still sleeping."