How Did He Confess to You?

A few days later.

At Shangde High.

When the results of the monthly examination were announced, Lu Yichen's results astounded the entire school once again, showing the rest what being a true top student meant.

The school had initially been worried that he wouldn't be able to attend a mathematics competition afterward, but luckily, his hand was healing well and was almost fully recovered.

Today was the day that he would head to City B for the mathematics competition.

The girls who had a crush on Lu Yichen gathered at the school gates to send him off upon getting wind that he was going to the competition.

"All the best, Senior Yichen! Remember to take care of yourself; if your hand hurts, don't force it."

"All the best, Senior Yichen! We believe you'll get first prize!"

We'll be waiting in school to welcome your victory!"

The cheers of encouragement repeated continuously.