He Will Use You

His eyes pointing outside, Yin Shaojie said, "Let's talk in my car. It's not convenient speaking here."

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him suspiciously. "You're not just trying to get me in the car, are you?"

"Do you have so little trust in me now?" Yin Shaojie narrowed his eyes, looking displeased.

Mu Xiaoxiao humphed. Without answering his question, she took the initiative and walked out.

In the car.

She folded her arms at her chest and said, "Tell me quickly!"

With both hands on the steering wheel, Yin Shaojie cast a glance at her and said calmly, "You should know that people like us hate illegitimate children from rich families."

Hearing that, Mu Xiaoxiao was startled. "What… has this got to do with Lu Yichen?"

The next moment, her eyes widened in astonishment as she said, "Do you mean that he is an illegitimate child from some rich family? Which one?"