Played Into His Hands!

She took a look around at the others who were gathered and saw that there were more than ten people who were playing.

If she was chosen among so many people, then she really must be down on her luck.

The first round began.

With a hand on Mu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, Yin Shaojie nonchalantly picked a card. He put the card down with an enigmatic smile after a quick glance at it.

Afraid to look at her own card, Mu Xiaoxiao nudged him and asked softly, "Which card did you get?"

Yin Shaojie went beside her ear and said in a deep, soft voice, "King."

When the magnetic voice coming from his subwoofer-like voice sounded in her ear, Mu Xiaoxiao could only feel her heart jolting.

She pouted and said, "I don't dare to look at mine. I keep feeling like I will get the slave card."

Seeing the look on her face, Yin Shaojie glanced at the others before picking up her card from the table and placing it beside his.