How Many Girls Had He Kissed?

Song Shijun thought that he could have been ordered to use some embarrassing method to ask for a number.

With that thought, conceding still seemed to be the safer way.

Song Shijun accepted his loss and downed the four glasses of alcohol before belching.

"Come! Let's continue!"

Damn it! I'm so going to plot against someone!

After a few rounds of the game, since everyone had come out with insane commands, some people had chosen to take the drinking punishment. Gradually, the number of glasses for punishment increased to 32 glasses.

The one who was punished for 16 glasses earlier had already run to throw up in the toilet.

This round, Song Shijun and Ye Sijue exchanged looks, and Mu Xiaoxiao had teamed up with Han Qiqing.

Thus, Yin Shaojie was the one to be plotted against, and he drew the slave card.

The one who drew the king card was Ye Sijue.