A Sanctity That Shouldn't Be Violated

Betty must have seen her with Yin Shaojie, so she tried to hit on him.

It was just like when Mu Xiaoxiao was studying in America. Every time a boy confessed to Mu Xiaoxiao, Betty would immediately seduce the boy and make him become her admirer.

Betty was keenly aware of everything that was Mu Xiaoxiao's and felt a need to snatch it away.

Yin Shaojie's smile became even more sinister. "Don't you think that bringing her hopes up high before letting it all crash down would make her even more pathetic?"

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately understood.

She cupped her chin with a hand and glanced at him sideways. Her obsidian eyes looked as if there was a little devil shining in them.

"So you want to punish her and take revenge for me?"

Even though she still didn't know what his plan was, she already felt that this was going to be interesting.