Providing Her With The Best Protection

She went up, hugged Mu Zhengbo, and called sweetly, "Papa, good morning!"

Mu Zhengbo returned the hug with one hand and touched her head, his eyes filled with love for her.

He said, "You and Shaojie have decided to leave today?"

Hearing that, Mu Xiaoxiao looked reluctant to part as she leaned the head on Mu Zhengbo's shoulder.

"Or I can ask him to stay for a few days…"

She was also reluctant to part with the father.

When she was hurt, the first thought she had was to go home.

She felt a lot of warmth when she came back home.

And her father had also given her lots of warmth and a safe harbor that could provide shelter for her whenever she was met with hardships in life.

Mu Zhengbo smiled. "Silly girl, you are a student now. You have already skipped classes for the past few days. It's not good to continue skipping classes. Well anyways, you can still come back during winter vacation."