Someone Values Love Over Friendship

Han Qiqing smiled until her eyes resembled crescents. She hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's arm and said affectionately, "Thanks Xiaoxiao, I'll do my best~"

"I'll help you too!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled along with her.

The two girls giggled as they continued to talk about best-friend things.

Yin Shaojie and Song Shijun were on the other side of the room.

Song Shijun was lying on an armchair playing with his phone.

Yin Shaojie, on the other hand, was sitting on another armchair and looking at Han Qiqing displeasedly.

Song Shijun lifted his head and saw the scene. Understanding the situation immediately, he got up from the sofa.

"Qiqing, since we're done with eating, let's go and talk a walk."

He tried to pull Han Qiqing up as he said.

Han Qiqing shook him off. "Who wants to take walks with you? I don't, and I want to rest here."