He Is Just A Devil

Just then, the people on the seats roared with excitement.

It turned out that Yin Shaojie had come out in his jersey.

So dashing!

It was even a first for the girls at Shangde to see Young Master Jie wearing a basketball jersey. All of them seemed like they were crazy as they took photos incessantly with their phones.

Sitting at the front, Mu Xiaoxiao heard the harsh screams of the girls behind her, and she could not help but pick her ears.

She couldn't refrain from criticizing them, saying, "Haven't these girls ever seen a man? Do they have to be so dramatic?"

Though she also felt that Yin Shaojie was very handsome in in the jersey, it had a different feel to it than usual.

How should she put it?

It was a little more wild and flamboyant, making his charm even more deadly.