Young Master Jie, the Lord of Darkness

As long as the ball was in Yin Shaojie's hands, he was able to score easily, no matter how many people surrounded him.

Thus, the majority of Shangde's score was contributed by Yin Shaojie.

Did Yin Shaojie get into the court just to score points for his school?

Of course not!

Yin Shaojie looked up. A team member from Second High wanted to tackle him when the ball was rebounding. However, Yin Shaojie not only avoided the attack miraculously, but he also used the momentum to take the both of them to the floor, and he also gave a heavy knee to his opponent's abdomen.

The person grunted and almost fainted from the pain, seeing stars.

To others, this scene looked like an accident because Yin Shaojie had been unable to control his body when he fell.

Yeah, it was only an accident!

Thus, even if Second High complained, the referee didn't give Yin Shaojie a penalty.