I'm Not Playing

"I don't want to! Not even a bit!"

Putting on a firm expression, Mu Xiaoxiao refused resolutely, but her heartbeat was already in disarray.

She was anxious to retract her hand, but the demon did not give her a chance, grabbing her tightly like a chain that wouldn't budge.

"Yin Shaojie!" Mu Xiaoxiao screamed his name.

"Hubby is here—" he teased her in his frivolous, sinister tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so angry that she wanted to hit him. "Let go of me!"

Yin Shaojie's arm suddenly tightened, and he pulled her inside.

"Ah—" Mu Xiaoxiao shrieked, covering her eyes with her hands.

This bastard!

The shower head was still on, and the drops of water sprayed onto her.

Just when Mu Xiaoxiao was feeling a bit cold, she felt a hot body leaning against her.

"Why are you closing your eyes? Open them." Yin Shaojie's voice seemed to have come from right in front of her, his low and husky voice accentuating his charm.