Was That Man Important to Her?

Mo Xiaomeng was curious. "Really?"

"Really," Ye Sijue answered.

Mo Xiaomeng hugged her bag. Tapping her lip with a finger she took a glance around the entire store before saying, "I want this place… to never be able to scam anyone ever again! Is that possible?"

These people were too evil. Who knew how many girls they had cheated in the past?

Upon thinking about the possible fate of these girls, Mo Xiaomeng felt sad for them.

"Yes." Ye Sijue smile and nodded at her. When he turned to the uniformed men, his expression turned to one as majestic as a king as he commanded, "Do as she requests."

"Yes sir!"

Ye Sijue pulled Mo Xiaomeng out of the store.

Mo Xiaomeng was confused. "Just like that?"

Ye Sijue stuffed her into the car and said mildly, "The ensuing scene isn't suitable for your eyes. Do you want to check your bag to see if you've lost anything?"