He's My Man (1)

Puzzled, the boy behind her looked at An Zhixin, tapped her, and asked, "Zhixin, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, " An Zhixin snapped out of it and said sullenly. And she stomped over and sat down at her seat.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was eating, paused, and out of habit, looked up at the seat in front.

Even though she knew that Yu Zhe had dropped out of school and wouldn't appear again, when she saw An Zhixin she still felt a little unaccustomed as her eyebrows wrinkled.

An Zhixin looked sullen as though she was angry with someone. She turned her head and shot a look at Mu Xiaoxiao from the corner of her eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt the unfriendliness in her glance, but she wasn't too bothered about it since they weren't very close to start with.

That boy, the one who sat at the same desk as An Zhixin, had also returned to his seat. Concerned, he asked An Zhixin, "Zhixin, are you feeling unwell? Was there a problem with the breakfast just now?"