More Exalted Than A Princess (6)

Yin Shaojie and his clique had long been assigned to the most superior detached cottage in the resort.

This was a top-grade eco-resort. Besides its large area and natural scenery, their romantic-looking cottages was another selling point. Most of the students were staying there with only a few students assigned to the hotel.

However, the view from the hotel was also unique. One was able to admire the natural beauty of the scenery, making it a delightful experience.

On the sofa, Mu Xiaoxiao, Han Qiqing and Mo Xiaomeng sat together and chit-chatted happily.

Yin Shaojie and his two other make friends sat on individual armchairs nearby.

Just then, the television above them started to play entertainment news. It was some gossip from last night — the hottest star from America, Burt, was dating Princess Chanel from Country F now.