Vying With Her Insistently (5)

She looked sad as she said, "They even said that we were going to room together, but they abandoned me in the end, valuing sex over friendship!"

Song Shijun smiled, "I predicted this long ago."

"Why didn't you tell me about it then! I was looking forward to it…" Han Qiqing turned around and glared at him.

"You're just stupid. You can't even think of this? By the way, which room did Shaojie and Xiaoxiao choose?"

"The room right above yours."

Song Shijun's face froze. "The room right above… this?"

He sat up suddenly. Smiling at her pleasantly, he said, "Qiqing, can we exchange rooms?"

"No!" Han Qiqing rejected him immediately. Even though she didn't know why he wanted to switch rooms with her, her subconscious told her that it wasn't a good thing and she naturally declined.

Song Shijun's face fell as he tugged at her. "Let's switch rooms, please, Qiqing. Take it as helping me out this once and exchange rooms with me, okay?"