She Hasn’t Given Up

Su Lin smiled gently, as though she meant no harm at all. She said, "You and I will lead one team each, and regardless of who emerges victorious in the competition, Ii's just a match between you and I to see who wins in the end. How does that sound?"

Mu Xiaoxiao dusted her pants off and stood up from the grass. Looking at her, she said, "Okay, that sounds interesting. Are you going to propose to add something like a bet?"

It was as if she had seen through Su Lin's intentions as she grinned, her eyes shining with the craftiness of a fox.

Su Lin's smile deepened and she showed no distress if her motive had been exposed. She even agreed, saying, "A bet sounds good. It's more exciting this way. What shall we bet on?"

Mu Xiaoxiao crossed her arms as she observed her act. "Have you not already thought of it? Just spit it out. What do you want to bet on?"

Su Lin had a penchant for snatching away what was hers ever since they were young.