His Goddess

The students crowding around were almost all stupefied. Those who knew Yu Zhe personally looked at him in even greater disbelief.

Yu Zhe was a student of Year One's Class S. Though not as strong as the Big Four Families, the Yu family was quite powerful. At least within all of Shangde, the Yu family was considered one of the better ones.

However, Yu Zhe, bent the knee in front of Mu Xiaoxiao and kissed the back of her hand as if she was his queen.

Because of how far the crowd was to Yu Zhe and Mu Xiaoxiao, they didn't hear what Yu Zhe said to her.

But his expression was likened to the most devout believer.

And Mu Xiaoxiao was like his goddess.

Some people snapped out of it and continued the whispers, curious as to what they were doing. Why would Yu Zhe act this way toward Mu Xiaoxiao? Wasn't Mu Xiaoxiao a civilian? Why was Yu Zhe acting as if she was a person of high status, that he would submit himself to her?

It's all too weird!