I Don't Want to be Used by Her

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked. "You're saying it's her?"

It was as though An Zhixin was afraid that she wouldn't believe her as she nodded vigorously and said resolutely, "Yeah, it's her! I didn't see her in the beginning, only the person she sent to contact me. After she came to Shangde, I accidentally saw her chauffeur and realized that it was her."

She even told a lie to increase her credibility.

Even though Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have a good relationship with Su Lin, she still maintained her suspicious attitude and asked, "Since you said you've never seen her, how can you determine that it's her based off a chauffeur? How do you know it's not her chauffeur who's colluding with someone else?"

"I…" An Zhixin was rendered speechless by her interrogation and could only say anxiously, "It's really her! Can you trust me? She's really the one who bribed me and wants to harm you!"