What They Had Between Them (1)

After a short while, Lu Yichen replied, but with the same question again, "So are you feeling better?"

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, realizing that she didn't answer his question just now, so he asked again.

So she replied, "Yeah, much better. I should be recovered by tomorrow."

"That's good then. I'm gonna board the plane."

"Okay, let me know when you reach the States."

After exchanging messages, Mu Xiaoxiao pressed on the back button and saw the profile photo of Su Lin, who she had added earlier.

Just the sight of it was quite tiresome.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about whether she should just delete her. Otherwise she would get irritated every time she saw her.

But as she ruminated, she thoughtlessly opened up Su Lin's Moments to check if she had anything new posted.

Indeed, there was.

Mu Xiaoxiao's pupils constricted as she saw a picture of two hands holding.

The text above said: "Thank you for coming."