He Is Not Someone You Can Covet

"Help me! They're gonna beat me up. Help, get the teacher here quickly…"

"Get the teacher? You dare to get the teacher?"

The three girls gave her threatening glares.

Taking a slap to the face, An Zhixin clasped her face and looked to the person, who had entered the classroom, with pleading eyes. It was only then that she realized that it was Wang Shiyu.

Her eyes immediately reddened, "Shiyu… help me…"

However, Wang Shiyu seemed to have curled her lips before turning to leave.

An Zhixin's eyes widened in disbelief as she called out, "Shiyu!"

However, Wang Shiyu seemed to have not heard her as she simply turned around and left the classroom.

"Enough talk with this slut! Rough her up!"

They pushed An Zhixin to the corner and dealt her a flurry of punches and kicks.

When they stopped beating her, An Zhixin thought that the torment was over. However, in the next second, a basin of water was poured over her head.