Don't Do That Kind of Thing Too Prematurely (5)

Without saying anything, he bent over and got in the car.

The chauffeur wiped away his cold sweat.

The car drove off from the Han family mansion, and the chauffeur asked deferentially, "Young Master, are we going to the office?"

The chauffeur also heard what the Miss had said earlier, but he still asked like he usually did.

However, the young master said another address instead.

Han Qiqing was stunned. Wasn't that Xiaoxiao's condominium?

She knew that he had misunderstood and quickly corrected him, saying, "Don't go to Xiaoxiao's place, we are meeting at Shijun's place."

He looked at her before saying to the chauffeur, "Go to the Song's residence."

"Understood, Young Master," the chauffeur replied.

Han Qiqing then thought something was odd as her gaze unconsciously turned toward her brother.

Didn't he say that he had no time?