Wishing to Give Herself to Him (5)

Han Qiqing wasn't sure if what he had said was true. She was afraid that if he was wrong, Xiaoxiao would be disappointed again.

Song Shijun walked towards Mu Xiaoxiao and told her, "Xiaoxiao, give me the water lantern."

Even though Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little confused, she still passed the water lantern to him. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you carry it," Song Shijun smiled as he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to get it back. "It's okay, I can carry it myself."

"You won't be able to carry it yourself later," Song Shijun said, his words laden with meaning.

Just then, the helicopter descended gradually near them.

The helicopter blades were noisy, and the huge gusts of wind generated forced many people back, so a large space was created in an instant.

Quickly, someone else noticed that the helicopter was about to land.

"The helicopter is about to land! Everyone make way!"

"Goodness, how can they land here?"