Wishing to Give Herself to Him (13)

How could he agree to pretend to be together with another woman just because of a little bit of responsibility? What would Xiaoxiao think if she knew? How would she feel?

Even though Xiaoxiao was extremely kind and generous, she would never accept it.

Why should he hurt his relationship with Xiaoxiao over someone who was unrelated to him?

That was hilarious!

Mu Xiaoxiao understood in an instant. "That sounds right too…"

Yin Shaojie sat up straight and told her, "Alright, that's all. What else do you want to know about?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's thoughts were a little messy and she couldn't think of anything momentarily. Shaking her head, she leaned forward and reached out to grab hug him, burying herself in his embrace.

With an ear to his heart, she listened to his steady heartbeat.

Yin Shaojie stroked her hair gently, as though he were petting a little cat.

The pair leaned on each other quietly.