You're the Only One I Want (6)

Feng Shengyang smiled at Yin Shaojie. His smile had a hint of provocation as he got back at him for provoking him earlier.

Just as he came into the entranceway, Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at his feet, and bluntly instructed him, "Remember to take off your shoes."

Feng Shengyang paused for a moment, obediently took off his shoes, put on slippers, and followed behind her.

Yin Shaojie closed the door behind them. With a hand in his pocket, he watched them.

Feng Shengyang looked around the house. As though it was his own home, he sat on the sofa, throwing his arms over the back of the sofa. He smiled and said, "This place is pretty good. I wanted to buy a unit when it was put on the market, but the deals were already cut. The Great Master Yin is pretty impressive to have the right connections."

"It's not just one unit. This entire block is mine." Yin Shaojie smirked proudly, sounding as if he was showing off.