More Important Than Him? (3)

"What's the matter?" Ye Sijue said in a pleasant voice as he reached out to brush her messy bangs to the side.

Snapping out of it, Mo Xiaomeng's soft, cherry lips pursed and smiled. She shook her head and said, "Nothing. I just thought that you were… very handsome, and I can't help but to take a few more looks at you."

Indeed, he was really handsome. Even if she had seen so many handsome guys of all kinds ever since she was young, she still thought that he was very handsome. He was so handsome that it stirred her heart.

Ye Sijue's eyebrow raised slightly. Looking skeptical, he looked into her eyes and said, "You're suddenly complimenting me. Do you have something you want to ask me to help you with?"

"Nope." Mo Xiaomeng shook her head. What else could she ask for? During the time she had been staying with him, he had been perfect in planning everything for her, letting her have a pleasant and enjoyable time.