How Much He Doted On Her (2)

The person perked up her ears, looking as though she were digging for gossip.

Mo Xiaomeng made up an excuse hurriedly, "It's alright, I'll look for it myself. Thank you. I won't keep you from your work any longer."

She then walked straight ahead hastily.

Walk straight and turn left, right?

Mo Xiaomeng thought that even if the company was big, she could still ask someone for directions.

However, perhaps it was because she didn't have a good sense of direction, or that the person had pointed the wrong way to her, she didn't find the restroom and instead walked into a pantry.

She heard some voices inside and was thinking of asking them where the toilet was when she heard them conversing.

"Didn't Young Master Ye have someone he was going to be engaged to? Could this pretty girl be Young Master Ye's fiancée?"