Having Someone to Pamper Her (1)

Yin Shaojie remembered what had happened during the accident. Even though his life hadn't been in danger, it was the dire situation he had encountered until then.

His heart softened involuntarily.

Yin Shaojie leaned over and caressed her cheek with his warm, large hands. His magnetic voice coaxed gently, "Alright, I won't go to the race. Is this okay now?"

"You said it yourself." Mu Xiaoxiao said. Her dark eyes were still a little teary as she looked into his.

Yin Shaojie used his fingers to caress her face. Nodding, he said, "Since when have I broken a promise to you?"

They looked at each other and smiled.

Beside them, Feng Tianqi was hopping mad when he heard this. He pointed at Yin Shaojie and said, "Hey! How can you go back on your word? Didn't you say that you weren't going to back out? You're not a man of your word!"