I Am the One She Likes (3)

"You can help me? How?" Ye Sijue rested his hands on the table, his fingers laced together as he stared at her contemplatively.

Tian Yunxin said, "You must be aching to know whether Annie likes you or Chris, right?"

Ye Sijue stared at her. He was silent for a few seconds before saying confidently, "I know she likes me."

Tian Yunxin paused for a moment. Then she chuckled and said, "Of course…"

"You haven't told me yet. You said that you can help me. How can you help?" Ye Sijue interrupted her, not wanting to hear her drivel.

Tian Yunxin's eyes rolled craftily. She smiled charmingly and said, "Young Master Ye, of course girls would know best regarding girls. You should make her examine her feelings."

"Oh? Continue." Ye Sijue seemed interested in hearing about it.

"We'll talk more when we go out later…"


There was a meadow in front of the castle. The grass from spring had withered since it was winter.