His Other Identity (10)

The policeman was about to leave, but he hesitated, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao. "Ma'am, if you are worried that he will continue to harass you, I'll take him back to the police station to question him."

Hearing that, Nimo frowned and said unhappily, "I don't like going to the police station."

His expression darkened as he thought about how to get rid of this policemen.

"Sir, you'd better take him away and keep him locked up for a few days. I really don't want to see him," said someone from behind them.

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao heard the voice she turned around excitedly and called out, "Jie!"

She freed herself from Feng Tianqi and ran to Yin Shaojie. She threw a little fist onto his chest and grumbled. "Where have you been? I was almost kidnapped, you know that?"

Yin Shaojie wasn't usually so careless.