I Like You (3)

"Have you been blaming me for not saying those words to you?"

"Actually, I thought that you would know even if I didn't tell you. But perhaps I was wrong. Girls like to hear those words, so I should have told you earlier."

Annie pursed her lips. She could tell that the next thing he said would be the most important part.

But she seemed more nervous than she was eager and the conflicting feelings showed in her eyes.

Ye Sijue brought his face closer to her, his gaze scorching as he stared at her. He said in a deep voice, "Xiaomeng, I like you. I really like you so, so much."

Annie froze.

Although she had already guessed what he was going to say and prepared herself for it, when she heard him say it, waves surged and pounded against her heart and new year's sprang forth.

"Why… Why did you wait till now to say it?"

Ye Sijue heard her whimper. He thought she was moved. Upon being confessed to, it was normal for girls to be moved.