She Was Snatched Away by Another Man (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao greeted him politely, her fingers wiggling as she smiled and said, "Good afternoon."

Chris walked down and stood in front of her, asking, "You have Ye Sijue's phone number, right?"

"I do. Why do you ask?" Hearing that, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him guardedly.

Chris explained, "I was just looking for Annie. Her cell phone isn't with her."

"Why are you looking for Annie?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't let her guard down, afraid that he was trying to break Ye Sijue and Annie apart.

"My grandma is looking for her," Chris looked at her and said.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered that Annie mentioned before that Chris's grandma was sick, and because of this, her engagement with Chris was brought forward.

Could it be that Chris grandma's condition had worsened?

Or could it be that Chris's grandma knew about Ye Sijue and Annie, and wanted to use her condition to force Annie to give in?

Mu Xiaoxiao's brain threw out lots of possibilities.