The Mysterious Deskmate (81)

"Manager Xu." Zhang Shuyao was about to greet her, but was blown away when Manager Xu seemed not to notice her as she walked past her towards Han Qiqing.

She then saw the capable and experienced manager smile at Han Qiqing obsequiously and say, "Miss Han, it's been awhile since I Iast saw you. Welcome, Miss. I'm honored to be able to serve you."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Shuyao's eyes widened in shock.

W-What kind of situation was this…

Manager Xu was one of the people responsible for managing Gucci goods in China. Many rich wives and heiresses had to curry favor with her in order to be the first one to purchase popular handbags.

Gucci had recently pushed out a new collection by a beautiful designer who had recently won an international design competition. The products in the collection were very sought after.