The Mysterious Deskmate (84)

However, she ignored it completely.

She looked at Han Qiqing and said uncomprehendingly, "Don't you like it? There's only one here. Do you really want to give it to me? It's okay, you can buy it. I have enough bags."

Even though the last time she bought a bag was a year ago, the people around her gifted her bags occasionally. For example, whenever William bought a bag for Annie, he would get one for her too."

Her dad went even more overboard. Whenever he saw girls carrying pretty bags, he would get someone to buy them for her.

Actually, she had so many bags that she could open her own shop.

In her house in America, she had a room that was specially designated for bags. It was full of beautiful bags that pleased the eyes with all sorts of brands.

However, she was a creature of habit and felt too lazy to change. So long as she was carrying something she liked, she would keep carrying it until it broke or she saw a new one that she liked more.