The Mysterious Deskmate (120)

Ning Ruyan put his hand on Jun Zeye's shoulder, gazed at the sky, and lamented, "Time flies. You're 17 years old already… I still remember back when I met you in the special forces…"

Jun Zeye looked away from the cake. Apparently, he wasn't too interested in reminiscing the past with his friend because he continued walking forward.

Ning Ruyan quickly caught up to him. "Hey! Every time I bring up the past, you don't want to hear it. You're a strange guy. Why don't you like to reminisce the past?"

"What's the point?" Jun Zeye cast a glance at him.

Ning Ruyan rubbed his nose and coughed. "It's only you who thinks it's pointless. You don't want to waste time reminiscing about past, but it doesn't mean that it's meaningless. Well, let's not talk about it then. Let's go buy beer."

The two got onto the escalator in the supermarket.

Ning Ruyan looked at him and asked, "If I were to propose to celebrate your birthday, you wouldn't agree to it, right?"