The Mysterious Deskmate (134)

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at him and offered her textbook to him. "I'll lend you mine. I can just share mine with someone else."

He had no friends and it would be impossible for him to borrow someone else's.

Feng Tianqi smiled and said, "Xiaoxiao, you can share with me."

"No," Jun Zeye said.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that he was rejecting the use of her textbook. She immediately pushed it towards him and said, "It's okay, you can use mine."

Jun Zeye looked at him. In a low voice, he said, "I mean, I'll share the textbook with you. You don't have to share with him."

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him blankly.

Feng Tianqi was unhappy. "F*ck! Are you trying to snatch her from me?"

"Alright, let's go to class. Come on." Mu Xiaoxiao changed the subject in order to prevent Feng Tianqi from squabbling with Jun Zeye again.

Jun Zeye stood up, grabbed Mu Xiaoxiao's textbook, and followed her.

Feng Tianqi rushed forward and walked beside Mu Xiaoxiao.