The Mysterious Deskmate (146)

Song Shijun started talking about Ning Ruyan, sounding peeved.

"He went through kindergarten in City A and elementary school at the capital. Since he's the eldest son of the family, the Nings were focused on nurturing him so that he would work for the government. But somehow, he later entered the armed forces, so I didn't see him much during those years. I heard that he had a big fight with his family and decided that he wasn't going to work for the government and entered the armed forces instead. I don't know much with regards to his time in the armed forces."

Song Shijun suddenly thought of something. "Oh yeah. That guy, Jun Zeye, given how skillful he is, could he have met Ning Ruyan in the armed forces? Could he be his comrade?"

Yin Shaojie muttered irresolutely, "That's possible. I'm guessing that they probably underwent training in the special forces. Those skills cannot be a result of typical armed forces training."