Don't You Touch Her (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him. In a teasing tone, she said, "Yo, weren't you jealous that he had so many girls surrounding him earlier? Why are you turning around to take his side now?"

"Since when was I jealous!" Feng Tianqi denied hurriedly.

"If that wasn't the tone of jealousy, what was it then?"

"Anyway, I'm not jealous of him! Heck, what part of him is worth being jealous about anyway? I'm so handsome that there are tons of girls surrounding me, okay? I only chase them away because I think they're annoying. I'm not like him, indulging in their attention," Feng Tianqi said indignantly.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and asked, "Which part of him looks like he's indulging in their attention?"

If Jun Zeye was indulging in the girls' attention, he wouldn't have used a gun to scare them away earlier.

After finishing his coke, Feng Tianqi threw the bottle into a nearby bin.

He stood up noisily and walked over to where Jun Zeye was.