She Dumped Me (3)

Two bodyguards in black suits pushed through the crowd and came over.

"Take her to the school's clinic to check on her injuries and remember to report back to me," Feng Shengyang ordered them, his cool look causing the girls to go gaga over him again.

"Yes, Young Master," The two bodyguards replied respectfully, escorting the girl quietly out of the circle.

Looking at the fans, Feng Shengyang said emphatically, "Listen, you girls. No pushing, do you hear me?"

"Yes!" the girls answered obediently.

"Also, be quiet," he said.

"Yes!" The fans did as he said.

Seeing that, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little dumbstruck.

Why did this situation seem different from before?

She went back to Han Qiqing's side and whispered to her, "What's with this? Why are these girls being so obedient?"