I'm Not Helping You (3)

Was there any chance to turn the tide?

The people who thought it was possible were few and far between. Even an outsider could tell that there was almost no chance of victory.

Nevertheless, Yin Shaojie seemed to be unaware of this. His movements were as quick as ever, neatly bypassing the bodyguard and Feng Tianqi as he made a three-pointer jump shot. It went in!

"Nice one!" Song Shijun called out in encouragement of his teammate.

They closed the point difference by two.

However, there was still a difference of twenty-two points.

Song Shijun was panting a little. The back of his shirt was soaked thoroughly and his sweat dripped from the hem of his shirt.

In a moment of carelessness, Song Shijun's foot slipped and he slammed down onto the ground.

The match was paused.

"Shijun! How are you? Are you okay?" Han Qiqing dashed over quickly and knelt beside Song Shijun, staring at him in concern.