She Wouldn't Lie to Him (4)

"I'm just craving them, okay! Also youtiao, and… suddenly I really want to eat Tianjin-style jianbing." Mu Xiaoxiao said, smacking her lips, looking like a gluttonous little cat.

"We don't have those." Yin Shaojie said as he dragged her up, slapped her butt, and urged her, "Hurry up and go brush your teeth and wash your face. Eat something to fill your tummy. If you want to eat those things, we'll get someone to make it for you when we get home."

"Go back home?" Mu Xiaoxiao put on her slippers. Hearing that, she looked puzzled.

Yin Shaojie nodded. "Yeah, back to the Yin residence."

Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her head. "Today is not a weekend, is it? Don't you have class?"

He looked at her. "Don't you hate classes? You can openly skip classes today. Aren't you happy about that?"

"I'm not…" She stuck out her tongue at him.

He pushed her into the bathroom.