I Like You (3)

He said, "Besides, it's only called walking the dog when the dog is in front."

"What is it called when I'm at the back, then?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked back, curious.

Yin Shaojie's lips twitched. "I feel like I'm dragging a piece of luggage around."

Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless.

Mama Yin had just come back from her sisters' gathering. Taking off her coat in the living room, she happened to see the pair by the poolside.

"What are they doing?" Mama Yin looked puzzled.

The helper covered her mouth and laughed. "Madam, the Young Master and Miss are taking a stroll," she replied.

Mama Yin could not help but laugh as well. "Can this be called taking a stroll?"

By the poolside.

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, "Can you walk slower!"

Yin Shaojie was actually not walking very fast. It was she who was walking at the speed of a tortoise. However, he slowed down upon hearing her words.

Mu Xiaoxiao was pleased. She walked up and hugged his arm.