One Lie After Another (46)

"It's not open even if you want to go now," the handsome boy responded instinctively.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed. "I thought that my luck would finally take a turn. It seems like that's not happening."

He asked, "Why do you say that?"

Mu Xiaoxiao cupped her chin and picked up the chopsticks that had dropped onto the table. Playing with them, she said, "Because I'm super unlucky today. Super duper unlucky. Unstoppably unlucky. Everything I do is unlucky."

The handsome boy paused. "So you mean… it's also unlucky that you met me today?"

Mu Xiaoxiao missed the teasing tone in his voice and hurried to explain, "Of course not! I didn't say that, I really didn't say that."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Why do you say that you're unlucky today?" He seemed to be interested in her day.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed. "I was just really unlucky. I'm so unlucky that even water can get stuck between my teeth if I drink it!"