One Lie After Another (58)

He merely sighed internally and spoke to them, "Acting like this would do you more harm than good."

Fighting inside the club was prohibited and the manager would definitely investigate the matter thoroughly.

Upon hearing this, some of them snapped out of it. As the realization of the consequences dawned on them, they could not help but look panicked.

Mu Xiaoxiao told the waitstaff, "I'll pay for any repairs. This was my fault."

As expected, not a single thing went right today.

She had imagined that looking for a male escort would draw Yin Shaojie out, but she had been mistaken.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed at herself internally.

She no longer expected anything. She felt like a boulder was pressing against her heart, heavy and sorrowful.

The waitstaff glanced at Ye Zhiyuan.

Ye Zhiyuan said, "No, please let me pay instead."