I Need to Find Him (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated. Could it be that he really had no idea?

No, that was impossible!

He was close friends with Yin Shaojie. How could he not know where Yin Shaojie could be?

"I don't care. I'm sure you must know anyway, so bring me to him now. Go!"

She said this and even kicked Song Shijun's calf, as though she were shooing a duck away.

Song Shijun said, "Alright, alright, alright! I'll help you find him but can you please let me go? This is so unsightly."

After a thought, she let go.

"Don't you dare pull a fast one on me. I must find him today."

"I'll definitely help you find him," Song Shijun blabbered without thinking. He actually disagreed with her needing to find Yin Shaojie today because he believed there was no need to find him. Yin Shaojie would show up by himself.

Tomorrow was Xiaoxiao's birthday. How could Yin Shaojie not show up?