Do You Still Want Me? (1)

Yin Shaojie's eyes were startled. They stared straight at her unblinkingly.

Mu Xiaoxiao's thin and white beautiful thighs were showing and he could see her ample bosom under his white shirt.

Such a scene was an alluringly seductive one.

If this were any time in the past, Yin Shaojie would have pounced towards her like a wolf.

But right now…

Yin Shaojie's handsome face was stiff and he averted his gaze. His phone rang when he walked over to the fridge.

"Hey." His magnetic voice was laced with a huskiness that was hard to detect.

"The result of our discussion is: Since Xichuan Qianling likes you, you can bait her first. We haven't failed yet and there is still hope. If we miss this opportunity, it'll be difficult for us to rescue her again."

Yin Shaojie opened the door of the fridge and took out a beer as he listened.

"Alright. I'll do as the situation calls for."