I'll have Xiaoxiao tonight (3)

Han qiqing wanted to clap for the witty mu Xiaoxiao as she watched the show.

Xiaoxiao, you're amazing!

Xiaoxiao, I'm your brain-dead fan!

Mu Xiaoxiao spread out her hands innocently. &Quot; I don't know if I did. I'm just guessing. Anyway, I didn't do it on purpose. &Quot;

Xichuan Qianling didn't expect her to be so good at sowing discord. For a moment, she was unable to vent her anger, and her face turned red.

Although the man's heart ached, if he continued to make a scene at this time, it would easily blow up.

Coupled with his understanding of Xichuan-san, with her current state, she would be the one at a disadvantage.

Hence, the man said to mu Xiaoxiao, " since it's all a misunderstanding, let's just shake hands and make up as you said. Please take care. &Quot;

He was clearly asking her to leave.

The corner of mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched. &Quot; you're so sensible, Sir. Alright, we'll be leaving then. Goodbye. &Quot;