It's too much to run after flirting (1)

&Quot; you ... &Quot; Xin Zimo looked at him with mixed feelings. She wanted to say something, but when the words reached her mouth, only bitterness was left.

"Zimo." Lu Yichen finally spoke. He looked into her eyes calmly and said, " no matter who I like or not, you're just a sister to me. If someone bullies you, I'll help you, but as for the rest ... I hope you can think it through. &Quot;

He didn't want her to be stubborn about a relationship that he couldn't respond to.

Xin Zimo bit her lower lip and tears welled up in her eyes. &Quot; why can't I ... I don't want to be your sister. I don't want ... &Quot;

Lu Yichen knew that he had to give her time, so he just looked at her quietly.


In this world, only feelings could not be found.


The yin family.