Don't like him (3)

This brother of hers was too cold. His cute sister had made the cake herself and even brought it all the way from Country R for him to eat, but he was not touched at all.

Did he even have a heart?

Han qiqing was so depressed. She glanced at the cake, turned around, and dragged her heavy feet out of the study.

The assistant, who was standing at the side, went to close the door.

Back at the table, the assistant, who knew that the man didn't like sweet food, was ready to deal with the cake.


A cold and deep voice stopped the assistant.

"Just leave it."

The assistant was taken aback, clearly a little surprised, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He nodded and retreated to the side.


In han qiqing's study.

Her hands were spread out on the table, like a powerless starfish.

"Miss han, there's a ten-minute break between classes." The teacher said to her as she pushed her sharp gold-rimmed glasses.