Has young master Jie agreed?(3)

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly comforted her, " yes, you will succeed. You have to try before you know if you will succeed. Don't be discouraged! &Quot;

Han qiqing laughed. &Quot; yeah, that's why I want to try it too. &Quot;

&Quot; qiqing, you don't have to always think about helping me. I'm fine. You know how good Yin Shaojie is to me. Even if I'm not around, he won't find someone else to dance with. I still trust him on this. &Quot; Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"I know that, but what about the opening dance? He couldn't really ask Shijun to dance, right? This time, it's not just our school, but also No. 1 middle school." Han qiqing was worried just thinking about it.

The two schools 'cooperation was related to the school's reputation.

Moreover, for this kind of thing, if it was done well, one's reputation would be increased, but if it was not done well, ten points would be deducted.