She's been tolerating him for a long time (1)

Worried about Xiaoxiao's condition, ye sijue and the other three ran out in a hurry.

Yin Shaojie said to ye sijue in a low voice, " you and Shijun protect the three of them. I'm going to do something. &Quot;

Seeing that the group of suspicious people was about to go far away, he had to catch up.

Ye sijue saw the seriousness in his eyes and nodded. &Quot; yes. &Quot;

Yin Shaojie didn't have time to explain to mu Xiaoxiao. He only pressed her hand down, released it, and chased after magician.

"Oh? Where are you going?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him worriedly. She wanted to follow him subconsciously but was stopped by ye sijue.

"He's going to do something important,"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked around her, feeling uneasy.

They even dared to blow up Police cars. Those terrorists were too terrifying.

Who knew what would happen next?

Song Shijun also asked curiously, " where is Shaojie going? Did he discover something?"